Sitemap - 2023 - Max Jackson

Alas, the cat got way too high

Mercy, by definition, is undeserved


Jazz Once Again Eludes Me

Baby's First Sober Spinal Surgery

The 'sin' is its own punishment

Why THAT Dead White Guy?

Why is Gratitude So Hard?

Truth with Thine Own Self

What kind of mistakes do you want to make?

Hot Take: Righteous Cruelty Is Evil

Desperation as a self-consuming gift

Why do I say "I'm an Alcoholic"?

What the hell deradicalized me?

What’s the difference between acceptance and resignation?

How shall we be made to compromise with the bullshit of society?

The Prague Sprig

7 Paragraphs on 7 Years of Sobriety

How did you learn how to use the word "I"?

We are but overinflated babies

We can't self-sacrifice ourselves into a state of grace

The only “rock bottom” is the place where you stop digging

“You will never oppose imaginary conflict”

Shame is a Great Destabilizer

Faith and The Miraculous in a Secular Sense

Reject the rejectors! Exclude the exclusive!

You are now required by law to promote anorexia

Trying not to lie can be very hard work

I don't think attachment denial is a great way to relate

Domination and submission and the Post-Modern Condition

You can't change the world until you feel at peace in it

The Cons of Spreadsheet Non-Monogamy

Guilt is Inevitable, Shame Is Optional

Do NOT Think About Doctor Fartproblem

Friendly Reminders, Hostile Errors

"The People", United and Exclusive

Maybe Jealousy In Non-Monogamy Isn't Bad

Let's Say Hi to Heidegger

Assertion Vs Expression At Family Dinner

Wittgenstein and Winning Enlightened Communication Games

Integrity is a Distinct Kind of Necessary

12 Step Quietism

Genius and Inspiration